Sunday, May 3, 2009

Womens Conference

Picture is of Chris's mom, sister's and me. Mom made us all bags
with our name on it, for the conference. I'm sure they took hours
to do. She also made Liz one but she wouldn't get in the picture!!

This week we spent mostly apart. Chris went to St. George on Tuesday for meetings and I left for Provo on Wednesday. I talked my sister Liz into going to Womens Conference at BYU. It started Thursday moring and went until Friday at 5:00pm. We stayed at Cody's and Amanda's ( or the Webb motel). We had a good time there, and learned some things also. Some of the classes we went to were on being happy in an empty nest, learning to laugh in life, and strength in the Lord, and many more. We laughed a lot and of course talked about our kids. All but one of Chris's sisters were up there also, so we sat with them when we could. We had pizza one night with all the family that was up there except Shad and Brooke weren't there because Brooke had her tonsils out on Wednesday and Shad was up seeing her. Hope you are feeling better Brooke. Cindy bought all the pizza- thanks Cindy. Good to see everyone. I also went to a Dr Appointment with Cody and Amanda and got to see the boys as they did a ultrasound. That was fun. I told Cody that baby A looked like him. Babies will be here soon, so excited! When we got back we headed to the baseball field, Nate (my nephew) was playing in a play off game. I'm glad we could watch some of it. We sometimes miss going to games every week--or do we? Nate also got his mission call to the Phillipines, congrats Nate. Good to see all the kids as usual.


Patrice said...

I'm so glad we got to enjoy the spirit there together! We sure enjoy hanging out with you, and it was fun to see your kids, too!

danandglenna said...

Women's conference was great! So glad we all got to be there together. Way to go Nate. Didn't realize he would leave on his mission so soon. Good luck.