Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Well we woke up this morning early because Stacey had Ward Council at 7:00am, and I just can't sleep when she is gone, and we had snow as hoped - just not as much as hoped - only an inch or snow on the ground. Still there was enough to need to clean the walks - so I fired up the fire wheeler (I put the snow plow on yesterday) and went to it - it was a little cold & neighbors may not have appreciated that I was out so early on a sleep in day - still it needed done.

As you can see in the picture it is half melted now any way - nice sunny sabbath - the roof is melted all the walks pretty much dry and we expect it will mostly be gone by the end of the day.

The week was normal with the average mix of church, work, and family - the exception was I took Friday off again and got a few things done around the house. Stacey and I then caught a session at the Temple and then came home and watched Dark Night. Saturday was spent getting ready for the new year and stuff around the house again. We look very festive I must say - we must of brought in 15 boxes of Christmas decorations from the attic and all the stuff in them is now hanging on the walls or tree - of course every where else on shelves, tables, cabinets you can imagine. We are excited for the kids to come home - of course we will miss Cody and Amanda - since they are going to Washington this year - well they do every year at this time - just sometimes later then earlier. Christmas only 10 days away -

I sing in the Messiah tonight - no solo's this year thank goodness - that is too stressful. We head up to Andrea's wedding on Thursday and look forward to seeing the Webb side of the family - I think all my brothers and sisters will be there.

We love the season and celebrate with you the birth and life of the savior. We think of family and friends and are thankful for our association with you and the blessing you are in our lives.

1 comment:

Patrice said...

We miss the snow - NOT! At least we got to enjoy it a little over Thanksgiving. If you want to come swimming, we'll heat the pool.

Tonight is our Choirside (all the stake choirs participate). It should be a lot of fun.