Sunday, June 21, 2009

Life Seemed to Come Full Circle.

As I sat eating breakfast in bed this morning visiting with Stacey a knock came at the door. We both looked at each other wondering who may be k nocking on a Sunday morning. Stacey quickly answered the door to find Gay Turley our next door neighbor delivering fresh hot blue berry muffins. The note said: "For your first 'Grandfathers Day'! Real 'blue' blueberry muffins!! Can't wait until we see you chasing those boys across the lawn, as in days past."

That is when I realized she was right - wow my first Grandfathers Fathers Day - and there I was sitting with my eternal companion "Grams" (that what she expects to be called as a grandma) - in an house empty of kids (not even Haven home to sing me "I am so glad when daddy comes home"). Still I was not sad - but had a tear of joy and gratitude that I made it this far. Then I thought of Cody - his first Fathers Day - life had gone full circle.

A brand new Dad - the feelings flooded back and memories of being a new Dad - I felt so humble, knowing I wasn't perfect, I had so many weaknesses - but wanted to give so much - still I could only offer what I was - I felt inadequate.

Now the years have passed and I see that the Lord's hand making up the differences, filling the voids, magnifying and quickening me in my imperfections. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family, they all turned out in spite of me. (I guess I can blame it on Stacey). So I look ahead and see how full my own Dad's life is and I am excited for the future. Excited for my kids.

Lant and Amy stopped by today on their way home from Phoenix to have supper with us- I shared some of my feelings - they laugh at me and my little tidbits of life's reflections. My "aw hah" moments I sometime share -

Excited to have Stacey home - man was not meant to be alone - at least not this one.

1 comment:

Patrice said...

(wipe a tear) You certainly have so much to be grateful for! I have a half circle, but it won't be long, I'm sure!